Meeting rooms
Boundless free space
The borders are flowing: not only in the border triangle, but also in our meeting rooms named after the bordering regions. Our meeting rooms for up to 180 people offer space for clear thinking, productive teamwork and inspiring views directly above the city, the countries and the river. The rooms can be connected by mobile walls and thus offer space for every occasion.
The perfect place for good ideas
Light, air and freedom: our meeting rooms deserve their name by providing plenty of daylight. They are airy and flooded with light, and of course can be darkened and are air-conditioned. All rooms can be individually seated according to your wishes and are equipped with modern conference technology.
conference technology.
Room Breisgau
Our largest room offers space for up to 120 people.

Tuniberg Room
The Tuniberg room is ideal for smaller events or meetings and offers space for up to 30 people.

Room Kaiserstuhl
The Kaiserstuhl room has a rectangular shape for versatile seating and can accommodate up to 30 people.

Room Markgräfler
A bright room - ideal for smaller events or meetings for up to 25 people.

Room Neuf-Brisach
This room can accommodate 60 people and has a panoramic terrace with a view as far as Alsace - perfect for an extension of the meeting agenda or an open-air caffe break.

Kombinierte Räume
Die Räume Breisgau, Tuniberg, Kaiserstuhl und Markgräfler können miteinander kombiniert werden, so dass Platz für bis zu 150 Personen entsteht - perfekt für große Feiern und Jahrestagungen. Die Räume im Detail können Sie oben einsehen.

Alle Tagungsräume haben folgende Ausstattung
- Klimaanlage individuell einstellbar
- Tageslicht
- Beschattungsmöglichkeit
- Leinwand
- Beamer
Zertifiziertes Tagungshotel
Das Hotel Stadt Breisach ist Mitglied bei den TOP 250 Tagungshotels und wurde von einem unabhängigen Expertenteam geprüft und ausgezeichnet.

Übersicht Tagungsräume